Some Favorite Key Changes In Songs

In no particular order:

Updated: Oct 9, 2019

Welcome to Marwen – Official Trailer

I often find movie trailers to be… not so good. I recognize the difficulty of the task. A good trailer should inspire people to see the film without giving too much away about the story. I worry this trailer may do a bit of that latter but I think of how infrequently I see a trailer these days and think, “I really want to see this movie.” This trailer worked for me. I hope the film, for me, lives up to the trailer.

Lindsay Ellis on why The Hobbit trilogy was… not as good as Lord of the Rings

I learned a lot from this series. It really helps explain a lot of the issues with The Hobbit trilogy. Problems including:

  • changing from 2 films to 3
  • replacing Guillermo del Toro as director
  • rushed production, discarding of pre-production
  • multiple studio production and financial involvement (New Line, Warner Brothers, MGM, The Saul Zaentz Company, The Weinstein Company)
  • Peter Jackson’s lack of passion, desire, and/or enthusiasm for his job?
  • studio pressures and demands? Possibly including:
    • that The Hobbit be *like* The Lord of the Rings
    • marketing driven reshoots
  • New Zealand’s Employment Relations (Film Production Work) Amendment Act 2010 aka “The Hobbit Law”

The Hobbit: A Long-Expected Autopsy (Part 1/2)

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Studios (Part 2/2)

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Warners (Part 3/2)